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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

inspiration tuesday(ish)

Ok, you're right, it isn't Tuesday.  But inspiration doesn't mind if we're a day late, right?  


This week I'd like to introduce you to the work of Carrie Strine, whose work I just recently came across myself.  As someone who is new to sewing, I found her modern, colorful take on quilting to be so sweet.  I mean, just look at this! 
Carrie also has some wonderful photography pieces.  Her website (and blog!) are great sources of inspiration.  Go check her out, especially if your sewing needs a little 
kick-in-the-pants (like mine!). 

Monday, September 6, 2010


I really don't know where the time goes...what happened to this weekend?!  I had such high hopes of all the things I was going to get done but, as usual, things were completely derailed by Friday night.  =)

More craziness to come this week so I'm gearing up for that now.  But I promise to find time for at least a post or two before the weekend...and Inspiration Tuesday WILL be back tomorrow.  In the meantime, I leave you, lovely readers, with this photo.  Sadly, the skating rink this used to identify is no longer with us...but the skate lives on.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

she knits

I learned how to knit about a year ago.  My brain, for whatever reason, doesn't like to let me sit and do one thing at at home...just watch tv or a movie?  Nope!  Just talk to family and friends on the phone?  Nope!  So a friend of mine suggested knitting as a way to occupy my brain in a productive (literally and figuratively!) way.  She taught me how to cast on and do a knit stitch and then I ran with it and taught myself the rest.  

I've read a bunch of introductory books on knitting since I started but I've found the following two most helpful...

Stitch n' Bitch is just a fantastic, easy-to-read introduction to knitting and really has almost everything you'll need to know to get started.  The Knitter's Companion is a travel-sized collection of all different types of techniques...really helpful.  The other thing I STILL do all the time is search YouTube for video demonstrations on how to do certain stitches, etc.  Being able to see what you're supposed to do before you do it is extremely helpful.

If you're interested in knitting, all I can say is GO FOR IT.  It is very rewarding and, I promise, not difficult to learn!  One great thing about it is that there are sooooo many projects you can complete once you learn just a few basics.  Definitely check out Ravelry, for endless numbers of patterns (lots of them free!) as well as forums where you can get answers to almost any knitting/crocheting question under the sun. 

Right now I'm working on an the Cromwell Court Afghan for my friend Michelle as a Christmas's hoping I finish it in time!  At the moment it only looks like this...


Happy (almost) Long Weekend!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

inspiration tuesday

I'm starting a new weekly feature today...inspiration tuesdays!  Each week i'll showcase a person/idea/blog/craft/project that just inspires and WOWs me.  Every day I come across more and more of these so it shouldn't be too tough.  In fact, the hard part will probably be deciding which one to focus on each week!

For week one let me introduce you to Julie over at Balzer Designs.  Recently, she held art journaling week on her blog (you can find all of that week's post in one neat, tidy space right here).

Julie is one of those all-around amazing crafters but her art journals are just a sight to behold!  She defines art journals as "a notebook that mixes text and images" and her posts include information on how and why to keep an art journal...she's even got some fantastic video footage on there!  

I only wish I were as artistically gifted as Julie but her low-stress style has even me (Ms. Stick-to-the-Stick-Figure) inspired to make one.  Check out her wonderful creations...and the rest of her site.  There is tons of great info there!

*All images are Copyright © 2009 Julie Fei-Fan Balzer.

Monday, August 30, 2010

i love a well-written novel

i was creating the "what i'm reading" tab above and is it that i've only finished 3 books so far this year?  that's sad because either 1) it's true or 2) i'm forgetting one or more that i've actually read.

anyway, right now i'm reading a few books, which i am wont to do.  one is a fraction of the whole by steve toltz and, though i'm only about 100 pages in, i'm really enjoying it.  i couldn't believe when i found out this is toltz's first novel.  in essence, it is a family saga but with an irreverent, hilarious tone and it is wonderfully written.  if you've read this one, what did you think?

so far, this is one of my favorite passages...
"tears came to my eyes, but i fought them.  then i started thinking about tears.  what was evolution up to when it rendered the human body incapable of concealing sadness?  is it somehow crucial to the survival of the species that we can't hide our melancholy?  why?  what's the evolutionary benefit of crying?  to elicit sympathy?  does evolution have a Machiavellian streak?  after a big cry, you always feel drained and exhausted and sometimes embarrassed, especially if the years come after watching a television commercial for tea bags.  is it evolution's design to humble us?  to humiliate us?"
haha...the commercial part really hits home.  =) 

Sunday, August 29, 2010

oh just do it

this is how my morning started...yay.  french vanilla chip muffin made this morning at my local bagel place (which actually DOES find a way to sell NY bagels in northern Virginia).

 and despite the fact that my tendency would be to lounge around all day and lament that fact that my boyfriend had to return to Afghanistan this week, there are actually some things i need to get done today.  so...self-pity BEGONE!  today i will...
1.  put these fabulous vintage drawer pulls (which i bought from funretro) onto my sideboard.

 2.  tackle this monstrosity.  wow.

3.  start to figure out a schedule for this nest-reorganization-project (post about this coming later this week).
4.  transfer my itunes library to my imac so i can clear some much-needed space on my macbook (yes, i'm a total mac-geek).
5.  finish at least two more pattern repeats for...
woot.  time to get a move on.

this makes me smile

if you've never come across miss platnum, she is amazing...she always looks incredible and her music is interesting and catchy as hell.  i dare you to sit still while you listen to "she moved in" below.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

"Happiness is a form of courage." ~Holbrook Jackson

ah ha! i am resurrecting my weekend etsy finds posts because, well, i just enjoy surfing around the site so much (actually, it's a little scary how much time i can spend on there!) and love to share what i find. so anyway...all of this week's finds came out of a search using a single word..."happy" like the super-inspirational "expect good things" postcard from heremydear. i've been thinking about happiness a lot recently and this will probably be reflected in upcoming posts. hope you enjoy these wonderful finds. please feel free to comment regarding certain items that might particularly strike your fancy. i always let the sellers know when i feature items on my blog and they appreciate positive feedback about their creations more than you know.
the below gems are 1) happy buddha from catdancingranch, 2) think happy thoughts print from hipheart (a NEW shop!), 3) angry starfish fleece pillow from obeymybrain creations, 4) family rules sign from signs of vintage.  *happy* shopping.

Friday, August 27, 2010


i'm sorry, but that phrase is just cracking me up right now.  it was coined in this article on but it did get me thinking about the author's point (which, of course, was not just to make me laugh).  i'm not sure i've ever seen a reference to male genitalia on the cover of a men's magazine (or any magazine, for that matter)...which is just fine with me except we all know it isn't the same for women's magazines.  now, i have my own issues with cosmo as a kind of ridiculous entity in itself...the current cover might just serve to solidify my personal thoughts.

anyway, check out the article and let me know your thoughts.

happy friday.

Friday, August 20, 2010

time flies

wow, insane how a year can go by and all my good blogging-intentions went out the window! i'm back on track now, though...regular posts starting soon! =)